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electronic_component_testing_cheatsheet [2022/03/02 22:38]
sausage [Conclusion]
electronic_component_testing_cheatsheet [2024/05/19 04:40] (current)
sausage [MOSFETs]
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 Positive probe to Source, and Negative probe to Drain should show something like 0.5V and this cannot be cleared using your finger across the terminals. Positive probe to Source, and Negative probe to Drain should show something like 0.5V and this cannot be cleared using your finger across the terminals.
-Of course, MOSFETs ​to vary, so check your datasheet (a topic for another day).+Of course, MOSFETs ​do vary, so check your datasheet (a topic for another day).
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electronic_component_testing_cheatsheet.1646260682.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2022/03/02 22:38 by sausage