This is an old revision of the document!
Over The Air (OTA) provides a way to send firmware to your ESP32 board in the field without the need for a cable and physical access to the device.
The purpose of this article is to manually step through the various stages of the OTA process and illustrate the state of the ESP32 at each stage.
Together we will set up a number of firmwares suitable for testing on different partitions in flash memory.
OTA updates are often done via WIFI or Bluetooth, but we will be manually implementing each step (by hand) to fully appreciate what is going on under the hood.
It will be assumed that you have esp-idf
installed and working, and that you know what your COM port number currently is. I'll use COM7 as an example throughout the article.
Your ESP32 board will need 4MB of flash memory.
It would be good for you to have read the general idea for how OTA and rollbacks work from the API Reference:
And in particular, please be familiar with the rollback process:
This article is based on esp-idf-v5.2.
Let's assume that your ESP32 board is fresh out of the packet. It might have some demo firmware and partition information on it or, it might be completely blank. Let's take a look at what could be stored in the flash memory on the ESP32.
To read the current partition table out from the device (which lives at 0x8000) and dump it to a file: read_flash 0x8000 0xc00 partitions.log
Convert partition binary to readable CSV: .\partitions.log > .\partitions.csv
If you don't have, please check the troubleshooter below.
Open the CSV, and it will probably look something like this (if anything at all):
# ESP-IDF Partition Table # Name, Type, SubType, Offset, Size, Flags nvs,data,nvs,0x9000,24K, phy_init,data,phy,0xf000,4K, factory,app,factory,0x10000,1M,
Ignoring the nvs
and phy_init
partitions, we have the default factory
partition that starts at 0x10000. Ironically, the list of partitions doesn't list the bootloader partition at 0x1000 or the partition that the partition table itself is stored (at 0x8000).
The factory
partition is currently the only one here and this is where your firmware gets flashed to. We are going to add two extra partitions for OTA which can contain firmware as well.
Why are we adding OTA partitions?
Doing this will provide us with two slots where firmware can be uploaded to. If we upload the first, and the process fails, the ESP32 will rollback to factory as a failsafe.
If firmware is running on the first ota partition and a new firmware fails to upload to the second ota partition, the ESP32 will rollback to the first ota partition as a failsafe.
It's all about safely upgrading your device with your new software, and being able to keep going if there is a failure. This ensures you can try again another day.
In order that we can start doing some stuff together, let's make a new project. create-project OtaProject
This gives us a project folder with a main
subfolder containing our C file.
Head into the new project folder and set the projects build target to ESP32 or we won't get terribly far: set-target esp32
We now have a build folder where our firmware will be built. Do a quick test build: build
We will now set up the ESP32 to have OTA partitions. This can be done with the menuconfig
. menuconfig
Make your way to Partition Table > Partition Table (Single factory, no OTA)
Choose Factory app, two OTA definitions
While here, we better ensure there is enough flash memory declared to hold all these partitions (they're 1MB a pop).
Serial Flasher config > Flash size > 4MB
And finally, as we will eventually be using the Rollback feature for when things go wrong:
Bootloader config > Enable app rollback support
Save and exit out. Build again with: build
This will give you four binary images: the firmware, bootloader, otadata, and one for the partition table.
Now let's flash them all to the ESP32's flash memory. -p COM7 flash
Now let's download the partition setup again like we did before. This can be done with: read_flash 0x8000 0xc00 partitions.log
Convert partition binary to readable CSV: .\partitions.log > .\partitions.csv
We end up with a different partition table:
# ESP-IDF Partition Table # Name, Type, SubType, Offset, Size, Flags nvs,data,nvs,0x9000,16K, otadata,data,ota,0xd000,8K, phy_init,data,phy,0xf000,4K, factory,app,factory,0x10000,1M, ota_0,app,ota_0,0x110000,1M, ota_1,app,ota_1,0x210000,1M,
is flashed to the otadata
partition. OtaProject.bin
is flashed to the factory
partition. And nothing to the new ota_* partitions.
Let's make a simple firmware that blinks the onboard LED twice, then one that blinks three times and finally one that blinks four times.
They will be flashed to factory
, ota_0
and ota_1
Edit the main/OtaProject.c file and add the following:
#include "esp_log.h" #include "driver/gpio.h" #include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h" #include "freertos/task.h" #define BUILT_IN_LED 2 #define ON 1 #define OFF 0 #define BLINKS 2 void app_main(void) { gpio_set_direction(BUILT_IN_LED, GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT); ESP_LOGI("APP", "Flash LED."); while(1){ int i; for (i=0; i<BLINKS; i++){ gpio_set_level(BUILT_IN_LED, ON); vTaskDelay(25); gpio_set_level(BUILT_IN_LED, OFF); vTaskDelay(25); } gpio_set_level(BUILT_IN_LED, OFF); vTaskDelay(200); } }
Build the new code with: build
And flash the double blink firmware to the factory
partition with: -p COM7 flash
And we get the LED blinking twice.
We'll keep a copy of each firmware. Rename build/OtaProject.bin
to build/2blinks.bin
Make a three blink firmware by changing the define in our program to:
#define BLINKS 3
Rebuild with: build
Rename build/OtaProject.bin
to build/3blinks.bin
Do the same again to make a four blink version.
We should have three firmware files:
Note that the flash
command is only able to flash the default project firmware to the factory
partition. So we'll need to switch to a different command to flash a named firmware to a particular partition.
Take another look at our partitions table.
# ESP-IDF Partition Table # Name, Type, SubType, Offset, Size, Flags nvs,data,nvs,0x9000,16K, otadata,data,ota,0xd000,8K, phy_init,data,phy,0xf000,4K, factory,app,factory,0x10000,1M, ota_0,app,ota_0,0x110000,1M, ota_1,app,ota_1,0x210000,1M,
Let's test each firmware by flashing them to the factory
partition. -p COM7 write_flash 0x10000 .\build\3blinks.bin -p COM7 write_flash 0x10000 .\build\4blinks.bin
And put the 2blinks version back onto factory
with: -p COM7 write_flash 0x10000 .\build\2blinks.bin
And let's flash 3blinks
onto ota_0
and 4blinks
onto ota_1
. We could use the
for this, but we'll use the
tool because you don't need to know the address of the partition. You can use the partition name instead. -p COM7 write_ota_partition --name=ota_0 --input=.\build\3blinks.bin
After uploading, the ESP32 resets but the 2blinks
firmware still operates from the factory
partition. All well so far. Now for 4blinks
to ota_1
: -p COM7 write_ota_partition --name=ota_1 --input=.\build\4blinks.bin
Again, 2blinks
firmware still operates from the factory
Check the partition table again.
# ESP-IDF Partition Table # Name, Type, SubType, Offset, Size, Flags nvs,data,nvs,0x9000,16K, otadata,data,ota,0xd000,8K, phy_init,data,phy,0xf000,4K, factory,app,factory,0x10000,1M, ota_0,app,ota_0,0x110000,1M, ota_1,app,ota_1,0x210000,1M,
Notice the otadata
partition. The bootloader uses this to choose which partition's firmware to boot: factory
, ota_0
or ota_1
At the moment, the otadata
partition is filled with 0xFF bytes. Because of this, the bootloader will choose the firmware on the factory
Let's prove that otadata
contains nothing but 0xFF bytes. read_flash 0xD000 0x2000 otadata-partition.bin
This reads out the otadata
partition, which starts at 0xd000 and is 0x2000 in length out to a file.
If you open the otadata-partition.bin
file in a hex reader (I recommend HxD), you'll see that the entire file is filled with 0xFF bytes.
We can use a tool to set ota_0
s firmware as the one we want to boot from: -p COM7 switch_ota_partition --name=ota_0
The device will reset and notice that there are three LED blinks. This is the 3blinks
firmware running on ota_0
Let's get a summary from the current otadata
partition: --port COM7 read_otadata
OTA_SEQ CRC | OTA_SEQ CRC Firmware: 0x00000001 0x4743989a | 0xffffffff 0xffffffff
Interesting. On the left is ota_0
. It has a boot sequence of 01
and a CRC check (not covered in this article). This partition will boot each time the ESP32 is reset. On the right is ota_1
, and there is nothing here to indicate if it should boot.
We can also verify the otadata
partition and take a closer look at what is stored there now. read_flash 0xD000 0x2000 otadata-partition.bin
Looking at the file in our hex editor, we discover the same raw data:
The first four bytes are the boot sequence. It's little-endian so this is sequence 01
. There is nothing else in the sequence, so this firmware wins.
9A 98 43 47
is the firmware checksum.
Let's switch to booting the firmware on ota_1
: -p COM7 switch_ota_partition --name=ota_1
The ESP32 will reboot and the LED will begin blinking 4 times. This is the 4blinks
firmware booted on the ota_1
Take a look at the otadata
information again: --port COM7 read_otadata
OTA_SEQ CRC | OTA_SEQ CRC Firmware: 0x00000001 0x4743989a | 0x00000002 0x55f63774
Hello, what have we here? There is an 02
sequence on the ota_1
side. This is higher than the 01
sequence, so ota_1
But we should also take a closer look at the raw contents of the otadata
partition: read_flash 0xD000 0x2000 otadata-partition.bin
The file should update in our hex editor. If not, reload it:
00000000 01 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 9A 98 43 47 ... 00001000 02 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 74 37 F6 55
At the top of the file is the 01
sequence we saw earlier. But now, there is a new entry at 0x00001000. This is the second flash sector. The otadata
partition has two sectors 0x1000 in size each. This is a safety feature. If one sector is damaged during an update to the otadata
, the data in the other sector can be retrieved.
In our case, the second sector has a new entry, the 02
sequence. This is for the firmware on ota_1
. 02
is greater than 01
so this is the firmware selected for boot by the bootloader.
How an OTA partition is determined from sequence numbers in the otadata partition is not explained in the documentation, but is explained in the code. You can see it here:
Essentially, for two partitions all odd sequence numbers are ota_0
and even numbers are ota_1
. The formula is:
(ota_seq - 1) % number_of_ota_partitions
Revise on the otadata
partition here:
During a real OTA update where a firmware is sent to the ESP32 over Wifi or Bluetooth, the firmware running on the ESP32 is responsible for setting the otadata
flash sector with the status of ESP_OTA_IMG_NEW
for that OTA partition.
In our case, using the switch_ota_partition
tool/command to switch firmwares does not set a status at all. There appears to be no tool under the esp-idf that is capable of doing this. Instead, we can simulate these status changes to the otadata
by editing the otadata-partition.bin
file, and then reflashing it to the ESP32.
In the otadata-partition.bin
, I have indicated the position of the status with XX XX XX XX
00001000 02 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF XX XX XX XX 74 37 F6 55
You can find the enum for the statuses here:
The value for ESP_OTA_IMG_NEW
= 0x0U. Therefore, edit the bin file to become:
00001000 02 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 74 37 F6 55
Save the file and reflash it over the top of the existing otadata
partition: -p COM7 write_flash 0xd000 .\otadata-partition.bin
The device will reset and the 4blinks
firmware is still running on the ESP32 from the otadata
Let's extract the otadata
partition again, and inspect if it changed again: read_flash 0xD000 0x2000 otadata-partition.bin
00001000 02 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 01 00 00 00 74 37 F6 55
Remember this is in the second flash sector at 0x1000 so you might have to scroll down in your hex editor. Notice the interesting change. 00 00 00 00
has become 01 00 00 00
The status of the firmware on ota_1
is 01
Why is it pending a verify? Let's refresh our memory on the states here:
in our config, but we never used esp_ota_mark_app_valid_cancel_rollback()
in our firmware code. Therefore the firmware will execute but on the next reboot and execution, our esp_ota_mark_app_valid_cancel_rollback()
will still be missing. I predict our partition is going to be marked as aborted.
Let's see. All we need to do is to reset the ESP32. Press the reset button.
Wow, notice something? The 3blinks
firmware from ota_0
has been booted. Let's extract the otadata again and take a look what has occurred: read_flash 0xD000 0x2000 otadata-partition.bin
00000000 01 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 9A 98 43 47 ... 00001000 02 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 04 00 00 00 74 37 F6 55
Ok so the status on the ota_1
firmware is now 04
. What does this mean? Yep: ESP_OTA_IMG_ABORTED
. So there is a new situation in otadata
. The 02
sequence is greater than the 01
, but 02
has an aborted state. So 01
on ota_0
wins. And that contains our 3blinks
firmware and is the reason why the ota_0
has booted.
Let's now set the status on the 01
sequence in the first flash sector as ESP_OTA_IMG_NEW
in the hex editor:
00000000 01 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 9A 98 43 47
Save and reflash the file to the otadata
partition: -p COM7 write_flash 0xd000 .\otadata-partition.bin
The ESP32 will reset and 3blinks
firmware continues to execute. Let's take a look at the raw otadata
again: read_flash 0xD000 0x2000 otadata-partition.bin
00000000 01 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 01 00 00 00 9A 98 43 47
As before, the status has moved to 01
Press the reset button on the ESP32. I wonder what will happen?
Yes, the ESP32's LED will be blinking twice. This is the 2blinks
firmware. And where is it running? Yep back on the factory
partition. Pretty amazing isn't it?
All our firmwares failed to run the esp_ota_mark_app_valid_cancel_rollback()
to mark the otadata
as valid. So in each case, they have become aborted and rolled back to the previously known good firmware.
The factory
firmware isn't affected by otadata
, or the rollback process, or OTA at all.
To finish up, let's take a last look at the raw otadata: read_flash 0xD000 0x2000 otadata-partition.bin
00000000 01 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 04 00 00 00 9A 98 43 47 ... 00001000 02 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 04 00 00 00 74 37 F6 55
Sure enough both flash sectors have aborted entries. You can reset back to factory
by wiping the otadata
partition. We're already running there, but if you want to clean up and start over: --port COM7 erase_otadata
That's it for now. I hope this helps you understand what OTA is doing under the hood, why a status needs to be set for a firmware, and how we can ensure that our firmware partition needs to be set as valid during it's startup.
Have fun!
The command isn't found.
For some reason, is not added to your path by default when starting your ESP-IDF console. For Powershell add the following to line 59 of your frameworks\esp-idf-v5.2\export.ps1
function { &python "$IDF_PATH\components\partition_table\" $args }
For Windows Command Prompt, in frameworks\esp-idf-v5.2\export.bat
add to line 66:
DOSKEY "%IDF_PATH%\components\partition_table\" $*
For shell and fish terminals, it's the same deal.
Many thanks to boarchuz and craig from the Espressif MCUs discord server for their assistance with this article.