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hacking_region_on_lg_lhb655nw [2025/02/20 09:26] (current)
sausage created
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 +====== Hacking Region Free DVD on the LG LHB655NW Home Theatre ======
 +{{:​lhb655nw:​lhb655-region-menu.jpg?​nolink&​400 |}}Unlike the rest of the streaming world, I like to own my things. Unless the boo-hoo-cancel-culture-woke-folk start making house calls I can continue to enjoy Season 2, Episode 4 of the IT Crowd on DVD. Streamers can't.
 +I recently picked up the complete DVD collection of The Fast Show from the BBC for a very good price but it was Region 2. I'm Region 4. So began the journey of looking for codes and remote sequences to try and hack the region.
 +Thankfully I did find the method that centres around requiring a special CD to switch into Region Select Mode. This method is well known for many LG players, but this is the first proof that it works with the LHB655 / LHB655NW and I'll fill in the blanks so that you don't go off the path.
 +{{ :​lhb655nw:​lhb655.jpg?​direct |}}
 +===== What you need =====
 +  * A CD-RW or CD-R disc.
 +  * A burner drive
 +  * Burner software. I use K3b on Kubuntu, but it doesn'​t matter so long as you pick the right modes etc.
 +===== The disc =====
 +You can just [[https://​​lib/​exe/​fetch.php/​lhb655nw:​|download the zipped ISO for the disc that I prepared here]]. You need to unzip it. There is next to nothing on it so the zip file is tiny. Please don't buy these on ebay.
 +===== Making the disc yourself =====
 +If you don't want to download the ISO, you can follow the basic steps in this post to make your own:
 +But in short:
 +  - Create a new CD project
 +  - Create the following empty folders: ''​\violet0000\rubicon\''​
 +  - Download this file and copy it into the ''​rubicon''​ folder: https://​​attachments/​montblanc-txt.873684/​
 +  - Rename MontBlanc.txt to MontBlanc.dvd
 +===== Burning the disc =====
 +Insert either the CD-RW or CD-R and use the following settings to burn it properly. And yes, these settings do matter. If you get it wrong, the player will treat the disc as a Data Disc and think that you might be supplying a disc of video files, which it is happy to try and play for you.
 +If you made your own project with previous step you can move on. If you downloaded the ISO, select it with with your burner software.
 +{{ :​lhb655nw:​k3b-burn-project.png?​direct |}}
 +You need these settings:
 +  - ISO 9660 format
 +  - ISO 9660 Level 1
 +  - Joliet extensions: YES
 +  - Rock Ridge extensions: NO
 +Start the burn.  ​
 +===== How to use the disc =====
 +  - Turn on the LG LHB655NW Home Theatre System
 +  - Eject the tray and place the hack disc onto the tray.
 +  - Close it
 +  - In a few seconds a plain black screen with a cyan border will appear, with the Region menu.
 +  ​
 +The Region Select Screen will look like this:
 +{{ :​lhb655nw:​lhb655-region-menu.jpg?​direct |}}
 +If you get the Data Disc Screen, it means you made a mistake creating the disc, or with one of the burn settings. It will look like this:
 +{{ :​lhb655nw:​lhb655-data-menu.jpg?​direct |}}
 +On the Region Select Screen:
 +  - Press 0 (for Region 0 - which is Region-free).
 +  - Press Pause to close the menu.
 +  - You can eject the disc.
 +  - Put in your foreign DVD and enjoy.
 +You are done and your LHB655NW will be region free. You have beaten the man. The LG man.
 +===== Credit and source =====
hacking_region_on_lg_lhb655nw.txt ยท Last modified: 2025/02/20 09:26 by sausage