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making_embedded_systems [2024/07/18 03:41]
sausage [Conclusions]
making_embedded_systems [2024/07/18 11:59] (current)
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 ====== Making Embedded Systems - A Reader'​s Review ====== ====== Making Embedded Systems - A Reader'​s Review ======
-{{:​embedded-systems:​making-embedded-systems.jpg?​nolink&400 |}}When I first heard that Making Embedded Systems 2nd Edition was up for pre-order, I jumped onto Amazon and handed over my dollars.+{{:​embedded-systems:​making-embedded-systems.jpg?​direct&400 |}}When I first heard that [[https://​​library/​view/​making-embedded-systems/​9781098151539/?​utm_medium=affiliate&​utm_source=impact&​utm_campaign=new+release&​utm_content=making+embedded+systems+2e+20240618|Making Embedded Systems 2nd Edition]] was up for pre-order, I jumped onto Amazon and handed over my dollars.
 For a period of time, I have been self-training in a variety of areas of electronics and embedded systems development but in a reasonably random and not entirely organised fashion. For a period of time, I have been self-training in a variety of areas of electronics and embedded systems development but in a reasonably random and not entirely organised fashion.
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 Chapter Five's Interview Question strays into that long worn area of diversity. I am always happy to see this left out. Chapter Five's Interview Question strays into that long worn area of diversity. I am always happy to see this left out.
-I will say, however, that the author treated the topic with more care and reason than most. Regardless, I don't want this in my materials.+I will say, however, that the author treated the topic with more care and reason than most. Regardless, I prefer to not have this in my materials.
making_embedded_systems.1721274094.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2024/07/18 03:41 by sausage