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My time with COVID

DRAFT: This docco is not proof-read, still being developed

I've been waiting my turn for quite some time now, and it had to happen. So how was my time with COVID and how did I fair?

One member of my family contracted it, which lasted for around three days. Then another member got it and while things started fairly mildly, the severe sore throat and fatigue lasted three days on it's own.

Third member of my family started feeling unwell and a sore head. And on the same day, that evening, I started to notice some mild joint sensations.

Disclosure, and the main point of doing this article: I am one of those terrible social outcasts that have chosen not to be vaccinated. I won't go into the detail why, it's just the way it is.

Day One: March 4

In the evening as mentioned I started feeling a little bit of sensation in the middle spine, and then a little later, sensation in the legs joints. Not much. Slight scratch in the throat, but I actually put that more down to all the sprayed glen 20 which is nasty nasty stuff, and probably does more erode the throat than covid. Maybe not.

Day Two: March 5

Got a half nights sleep but then I was restless towards the early hours of the morning, same joint discomfort being the cause/ No other effects.

In the morning, my head was slightly foggy, and still sensation in the joints. Small tasks hinted at some potential nausea, so I lay back down for a bit. Did a RAT test and it came up positive with a faint line.

I headed out a little later for a PCR test. As the day wore on, the fogginess lifted, no joint soreness, and for the middle of the day, I felt very normal, with the exception of tiredness from the night before. By this stage, I was expecting the sore throat start but nothing no far.

Had a small sleep which was good. Again, the afternoon, felt mostly normal, still slightly tired.

As the late afternoon rolled around, the slight soreness reappeared in my spine, and then a little later: legs too. Just like the day before.

Water kept up all day, and small meals. Bed early.

Day Three: March 6

A slight soreness in the throat, like faint but on it's way.

When up for a bit, it faded away completely. Some join soreness was back in my mid spine which faded soon after.

Most of the day, felt quite normal.

As evening approached, soreness in the mid-spine again, and upper back. A touch tired, not much. A very short nap during the day.

Day Four: March 7

Woke up with another tiny tickle in the throat which disappeared once I was up. Felt quite normal all morning. ONly in the middle of the day, once in the late afternoon and at bedtine did I feel the tired soreness in my spine. Heat pack fixes it again, but that was it for the day.

Day Five: March 8

Woke up with no effects.

my-time-with-covid.1649367532.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/04/07 21:38 by sausage