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start [2024/05/12 11:42]
start [2025/02/20 09:31] (current)
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 +====== Hacking Region Free DVD on the LG LHB655NW Home Theatre ======
 +[[hacking_region_on_lg_lhb655nw|{{:​lhb655nw:​lhb655-region-menu.jpg?​nolink&​400 |}}]]
 +Unlike the rest of the streaming world, I like to own my things. Unless the boo-hoo-cancel-culture-woke-folk start making house calls I can continue to enjoy Season 2, Episode 4 of the IT Crowd on DVD. Streamers can't.
 +I recently picked up the complete DVD collection of The Fast Show from the BBC for a very good price but it was Region 2. I'm Region 4. So began the journey of looking for codes and remote sequences to try and hack the region.
 +[[hacking_region_on_lg_lhb655nw|Read Article]]
 +====== Build your own Mobile Phone with the LilyGo T-A7670SA ======
 +[[build_your_own_mobile_phone|{{:​t7670sa:​t-7670sa-held.jpg?​nolink&​400 |}}]]
 +I'm not a smartphone user, and I rarely carry my little feature phone. But since Telstra shut down the 3G network, my perfect little flip-phone from 2010 gave me a big hug and moved away. Nothing has come close to replacing it.
 +But what if you could build your own, the way you wanted it? That would be pretty cool.
 +During the last few days I've been looking through the LilyGo T-A7670SA'​s vast feature set: Bluetooth, WIFI, LTE, GPS, USB, solar charging, condenser mic input, speaker output, 18650 Battery Holder, TF Card slot, SIM slot and plenty of GPIO.
 +I'll walk you through how to work with the board, what to solder, how to send/​receive SMS and how to send/​receive calls using just the stock firmware. No code required.
 +[[build_your_own_mobile_phone|Read Article]]
 +====== Making Embedded Systems - A Reader'​s Review ======
 +[[making_embedded_systems|{{:​embedded-systems:​making-embedded-systems.jpg?​nolink&​400 |}}]]
 +When I first heard that Making Embedded Systems 2nd Edition was up for pre-order, I jumped onto Amazon and handed over my dollars.
 +For a period of time, I have been self-training in a variety of areas of electronics and embedded systems development but in a reasonably random and not entirely organised fashion.
 +I was hoping this book could provide a good framework to formalise my growth and learning.
 +I'll take you through some moments in each chapter that really struck a chord with me or was a point of interest in my journey through the pages.
 +[[making_embedded_systems|Read Article]]
 ===== Digital Pinball Controller PCB ===== ===== Digital Pinball Controller PCB =====
 [[pinball_controller_pcb|{{:​pinball:​pinball-pcb.jpg?​direct&​400 |}}]] [[pinball_controller_pcb|{{:​pinball:​pinball-pcb.jpg?​direct&​400 |}}]]
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 [[feathers2_apa102|Read Article]] [[feathers2_apa102|Read Article]]
 ====== ESP32 OTA and Rollbacks - What happens under the hood? ====== ====== ESP32 OTA and Rollbacks - What happens under the hood? ======
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 [[esp32_ota|Read Article]] [[esp32_ota|Read Article]]
 ====== "Right To Repair"​ - the problem in a name  ====== ====== "Right To Repair"​ - the problem in a name  ======
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 [[right_to_repair|Read Article]] [[right_to_repair|Read Article]]
 ====== Ember Auto-tracking Object Arrays - Deep Dive ====== ====== Ember Auto-tracking Object Arrays - Deep Dive ======
start.1715514151.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2024/05/12 11:42 by sausage