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Welcome to your new DokuWiki
AirFlash for the Pi Zero
Amiga 1081 Monitor from 1986
Build your own Mobile Phone with the LilyGo T-A7670SA
The great Aussie Burger in the Canberra/Queanbeyan Region
Charlieplexing LEDs on the ESP32
Falstad Experimental Circuits
Custom Ember Data the easy way
Setting up URL Rewrite on shared windows Plesk hosting
Deploying an open, insecure .NET Core WebAPI to a Plesk host
Electronic Component Testing Cheatsheet
Ember Auto-tracking Object Arrays - Deep Dive
Ember.js Routes and Troubleshooting
ESP32 From Scratch
ESP32 OTA and Rollbacks - What happens under the hood?
ESP32 with SSD1306 oLED display libraries
When ESP8266 is a right pain in the Serial
ESP32-S2 and the APA102 RGB LED
Generating VGA with an FPGA (Verilog)
Great Shiny GS-2000 (modification)
FPGA Verilog simulation using GTKWave on the iCE40-feather
Hacking Region Free DVD on the LG LHB655NW Home Theatre
Setting up a minimal Hugo website
Single Optional Argument for a LaTeX Macro
Making Embedded Systems - A Reader's Review
My Father, the pilot's story of survival
My time with COVID
NV-VP32 VHS/DVD Combo Unit Repair
Open Source FPGA toolchain on The Go Board
Panasonic SA-PT170 Repair
Building the Pi1541
Minimum setup for a PIC16F1455 on a Breadboard + PICkit3
Oscillators on the PIC16F1455
Minimum setup for a PIC32MX270F256B on a Breadboard + PICkit3
Digital Pinball Controller PCB
Using GPIO RA3 on a PIC16F1455
Raspberry Pi Pico Setup and Review
ReactConf 2020 and Space Capsule Hotel Adventure
ReactJS and Friends Refresher
How to remove harvesting from a new Windows 10 instance
Repairing an Adafruit Grand Central M4
"Right To Repair" - the problem in a name
Samsung 32" S32D850T Monitor Repair
Simple start with WebAssembly/Emscripten and C/C++
Creating a .NET Core application with Entity Framework and SQLite in VSCode
SSD1306 and SSD1315 oLED Modules for the Pi1541
Hacking Region Free DVD on the LG LHB655NW Home Theatre
TEAC FD-235F 4161-U Amiga Floppy Drive Repair
The Animals of Canberra
Passing Vectors of Object Pointers in C++
Simple guide to Verilog Wire and Reg types
Repairing the Vulcan Dishlex Milano Dishwasher
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